Oh dear! Early meat slaughtering plants in Iowa

I will confess I'm one of these meat eaters who prefers not to think of my meal as having lived before.  One of the Palimpsests in my collection is dedicated to the history of the John Morrell Meat Packing plants in Iowa.  The history is dated 1966, but features some pretty interesting pictures like this, the first "killing gang" from the Ottumwa, Iowa plant:
They all seem like nice fellows though !
Then this picture of the packing room crew from Ottumwa in 1898:
I do hope it was "take your child to work day" that day.  (see the little guy in front?)


  1. I find it curious that you say you'd rather not think about the animal that you're eating... But that implies that you already "know" somekind of distasteful, ethical matter at hand.

    There's an ancient saying: To close your eyes does not relieve another's suffering...

    Just wondering - Have you ever investigated the health benefits of a plant based diet? They say it's better for human health, better for the environment and certainly better for the animals (and workers) inside slaughterhouses... I'm on my 8th year at it and have found immeasurable rewards!

    Want to create a better world? Eat like you mean it - Go Vegan

  2. My grandfather worked at Morrell's in Ottumwa in the 50s and 60s - until he sustained a bad injury to his hand while working there. Maybe I should take a look at your pamphets....

  3. These are great pictures, so much history, my dad worked there in the 50 & 60 he worked on the trucks for John Morrell, so they could deliver the meat to the stores.


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