Wedding Wednesday: A wedding and an Anniversary, Tues 12 May 1914

The continuing saga of attempts to find archived newspapers of the Des Moines Register and Tribune, from Des Moines, Iowa has reminded me of a common mistake we all make....'Don't Assume'.  In my case, don't assume those were the only papers for Des Moines.    For as you can see I found a great article in about the wedding of my aunt on the 27th anniversary of her parents in the Des Moines Daily News:
Des Moines Daily News | Des Moines, Iowa | Tuesday, May 12, 1914 | Page 6

A little surprise to mentions a reception at the Hanlon home 'Fifty-eighth and Douglas Street'.  I knew my grandpa had sharecropped property at the site that is now Merle Hay Mall (58th and Douglas), but I did not know they had a home there!  This confirms the marriage date of my grandparents and the marriage of my Aunt Rose.


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